Sunday, March 29, 2009

Edens Crawfish Boil '09


The Duvalls said...

looks like a great time. I wish I was there. I am sorry about Evans foot. Christian broke is leg in the third grade. I had to carry him everywhere. The wheelchair was a Godsend. Good luck and I hope all goes well. Love ya,Danielle

cbright123 said...

I love seeing all the Arkansas propaganda on this blog!!! We had a great time!!! Thanks for the invite!!! I'm forwarding your page on to my man. He had a great time too!!! I even laughed when we went to leave and Dean didn't want to go.

cbright123 said...

OK. I just relized this is your blog Colleen and not Chris's. OK. I still love all the Arkansas propaganda. And totally loved hanging with you and your family!!!It was so much fun!!! btw does Evan or Megan play wizards101 on the computer?

Chris Edens said...

Coleen - someone should have gotten pictures of YOU eating mudbugs! You were like a pro - no one would have known it was your rookie debut. It was fun - can't wait to do it again.

Lauren Edens said...

so you think you can just post pictures of this on your blog for unassuming readers who are all the way across the world, MISSING crawfish season. well, i guess i am glad you guys all got to enjoy the deliciousness of my brother's cooking.